the observer as the observed
through choiceless awareness – direct experience – observe:
nothing doesn’t change
nothing is perfect
nothing depends on nothing
so it goes for all that is,
for being as a whole
nothing is other than this
no one is
no one is another being
other than in the mind
or by convention,
there are no other beings
only in the mind or by convention
is anything or anyone an entity
apart from being as a whole
nothing is other than the whole
no one is
no one need do more than need be done to be and let be,
to live and let live with love, compassion, joy, and equanimity
in loving acceptance of what is:
the observer as the observed
2023-08-10 / notes
see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links
apart from the title and subtitle and the additional four lines it ends with, this post is a snapshot on this date of part of another post
see the current version of that post – nothing – for some notes that apply to this post
further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz
*a link – see note … and words by Maurice Frydman**
this post – one view of what is – displaces the Substack placeholder Coming soon
nothing is the absolute truth (!*)
Shunryu Suzuki: “… it is necessary, absolutely necessary, to believe in nothing.” (!gb !*)
there is only this: the present*
no one need do more than need be done to simply be and let be
with choiceless awareness – open to direct experience (!*) – to see
anyone or anything thought of as an entity as nothing but the whole
so it goes for all that is, for being as a whole / so it goes*
being as a whole / “being” – here and later – a mass noun (!?)
being as a whole / simply being and letting be: being well – and so may all be well*
the indented and bulleted lines in the post are the three marks of existence (!?)
nothing is perfect / ideal, complete, beyond change
ehipassiko / ehipaśyika; “which you can come and see” … ehi, paśya; “come, see” (!?)
/ what can be told and what can only be seen are the relative and absolute truths (!*)
pace* convention: to see anyone as an entity, see them as nothing other than the whole*
/ entities and identities (!*)
only in the mind … is anything or anyone an entity (!*)
being as a whole / in whatever passing forms arise and cease (!?)
see also Einstein’s letter to a grieving father / and see especially further notes*
see collateral damage from a “a kind of optical delusion” of consciousness (Einstein)
nothing doesn’t change, so this post – nothing – has done and will / a possible paradox*
in loving acceptance of what is: the observer as the observed
Tell me, what else should I have done?*