media bias

the telling omission

Caitlin Johnstone:

You’ve probably seen charts like this one from the Media Bias section of the AllSides website, where the biases of outlets are ranked from “Left” to “Center” to “Right.”

What you’ve never seen anywhere is a chart that ranks outlets in terms of how sympathetic they are to the US-centralized empire, with outlets like The New York Times, The Guardian and Fox News being listed on the extreme end of one side and more US-critical outlets like Consortium News, Mintpress News and Antiwar toward the other side. Notice how the above chart is so completely uninterested in foreign policy that it lists militarist smut rag The Atlantic in the same category as outlets that are often critical of US foreign policy like Jacobin and The Nation.*

2023-08-03 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz

the fig leaf here is the subhead in the screenshot:

Ratings based on online US political content only …
Ratings do not reflect accuracy or credibility; they reflect perspective only