thanks and links for 2024-W22

a post in the thanks and links series

Portrait of Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart – d. 1328* – known for saying, inter alia, that a thank-you is enough*

thank you so much, all who share
an interest in one or more
items noted – with links – below

2024-06-02 / notes

*a link / see the about page for more on links

2024-06-02 is 2024-W22-7* / ☛ see notes for this and all other posts in this series*

✱ ✱ ✱

Keri Blakinger: Corrections in Ink (!?)*

making someone a multimillionaire almost always makes them loyal to the status quo*

it’s “possible to kill children legally if … attacked by an enemy who hides behind them”*

Powell Jobs purchased The Atlantic in 2017 and has invested in other media outlets …*

Aaron Maté on current events / interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano 2024-W22-3*

Ali Harb (Al Jazeera) on Gaza: “What does victory look like for the US and Israel?” (!?)*

why Israel is in deep trouble / John Mearsheimer (!? !g)

being aware … knowing all the time when you’re being marketed to is a great thing (!?)*

Claire Cameron: Assembled / a found poem – Voices of MAiD (!?)*

time to wake up, to rise to our full potential as a species – or go the way of the dinosaur*

the UUA now “fanatical and dogmatic,” “fundamentalist,” “abusive,” “an inquisition”*

“to find peace we have to tolerate, maybe even learn from, our differences”*

further notes

current links are here and now – and subscribing to posts is forever free*

also free: instead of subscribing online, just email a request for updates*
