thanks and links for 2024-W28

a post in the thanks and links series

Portrait of Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart – d. 1328* – known for saying, inter alia, that a thank-you is enough*

thank you so much, all who share
an interest in one or more
items noted – with links – below

2024-07-14 / notes

*a link / see the about page for more on links

2024-07-14 is 2024-W28-7* / ☛ see notes for this and all other posts in this series*

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the empire: a house of cards resting on closed eyelids that could flutter open anytime*

see also prepared text: article by Caitlin Johnstone and Tim Foley*

“there is no place for political violence in our democracy” (!?)

further notes

current links are here and now – and subscribing to posts is forever free*

also free: instead of subscribing online, just email a request for updates*
