the unruly child, Bibi

the enabling parents, Biden and Blinken


the image above is from the current Substack home page for Bill Astore* – and here is what he says in a post there:

Biden and Blinken are those permissive parents who are dominated by an unruly child. Let’s call the child “Bibi.” They don’t dare tell Bibi to stop. They don’t dare punish him. They don’t dare make a scene, because Bibi will throw a tantrum and make their lives hell. So they allow Bibi to do whatever the hell he wants to do, except just a bit quieter, or slower, or less violent. They enable the child, in short, …*

see also an excellent long read on Bibi by Joshua Leifer on November 21, archived*

2023-12-03 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz
