maybe the beginning of the end
the image above from Twitter links to the article sent in a tweet with this quote:
If the dramatic changes heralded by recent developments in meat and dairy production occur, most of the Earth’s land surface will benefit, and cellular seafood could save the oceans from the depletion of many fish stocks.*
also from the article by Peter Singer:
One day, we may look back on 2023 as the year when it became apparent that the gigantic industry of raising animals for food was heading the same way as the industry that for most of the twentieth century dominated how we record and store images. Is this year the equivalent, for animal production, of 1989, when the first digital camera aimed at the general public was launched?
There are signs that it might be, starting with the Israeli Ministry of Health’s approval … *
analog photography and animal husbandry: pivotal years are 1989 and – maybe – 2023
2023-07-20 / notes
*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links
see a stark infographic of land mammals by weight in notes for waste not, want not, …
further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz