externalize the costs

make a business case for anything

see the tweeted article, archived*

calling solar and wind “the cheapest source of power”
ignores external costs

and when it’s time to pay those costs,
we’ll find that we’ve been sold a bill of goods

2023-02-23 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

/ a subscriber has archived the article, so you can read it here

/ in short: external costs per unit of wind and solar compound with numbers installed

further notes are not appended to posts on fewerwurdz


Hersh claims US blew up Nord Stream

US media ignore him

watch Seymour Hersh interviewed on Democracy Now!*

2023-02-18 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

in case you missed it, click here for Seymour Hersh interviewed on Democracy Now!

further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz


John McWhorter visits England

talks about the new politics of race

“a reign of terror enforced by a small number of earnest but misguided people”*

2023-02-12 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

“a reign of terror …”* / follow link for post with transcript of excerpt, also archived

further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz


Einstein’s letter to a grieving father

referring to a kind of optical delusion of consciousness

the above is a screenshot from an excellent March 2017 post on this at The Marginalian*

some thoughts arising on reading the letter:

nothing doesn’t change

nothing depends on nothing

nothing is other than what is

there is only this being

there are no other beings

for someone to imagine there are is
a kind of optical delusion of their consciousness

2023-01-14 / notes

*a link; see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

thoughts arising / as anything arises, ask to whom it arises and then ask: Who am I? (!*)

nothing … depends on nothing / anicca, anatta (!?)

nothing is other than what is / no one is

/ only in the mind or by convention is anything or anyone an entity (!*)

further notes are not appended to posts on fewer wurdz

the takeaway from Einstein’s letter:
to see anyone, along with their thoughts and feelings, as
something separate from the rest of the universe is delusional

to see this delusion as delusion brings peace of mind

a related point of view:
nothing doesn’t change

nothing is perfect

nothing depends on nothing

those are the three marks of existence,
of any and all being, of this being, just as it is

nothing is other than this

no one is

no one need do more than need be done to be and let be,
to live and let live with love, compassion, joy, and equanimity
… and that is being well

may all be well and want no more*

Ishmael author Daniel Quinn said in The New Renaissance – the prepared text of a talk he called a concise expression of the basic message of all his books – that while the Renaissance shattered several medieval beliefs, it left intact the most harmful one: that humans belong to an order of being separate from the rest …*

Einstein called it ”a kind of optical delusion of … consciousness” to see anyone as separate from the rest …

click on either of the embedded images below to go to where they are on Flickr

Handwritten Draft of Albert Einsteins Letter to Robert S Marcus February 12 1950
Albert Einsteins Typed Letter to Robert S Marcus February 12 1950

this is as good a place as any to park a screenshot from here of another letter, the so-called God letter:


on being

one view of the Buddha’s message

see under notes below for a note on this video

further to the talk in the video:

the whole – all that is – is what is

nothing is other than what is

nothing is other than the whole

nothing doesn’t change

nothing is perfect

nothing depends on nothing

nothing not a construct is an entity

only in the mind or by convention
is anything or anyone an entity

nothing is other than the whole

no one is

2022-11-24 / notes

see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

note that the video above is set to start when the speaker first addresses the topic without a break; the speaker begins on the topic, but with breaks for other features of the service, at around the nine-minute mark, when the video below is set to start

video from the Unitarian Church in Fall River, Massachusetts, November 6, 2022 (!?)

nothing doesn’t change … depends on nothing / anicca, dukkha, anatta (!?)

nothing is perfect / apart from the whole: dukkha/nirvana (!?)

nothing not a construct … / nothing that is not a construct is an entity

to be well is to pay attention to what is, to direct experience (!*)

further notes not appended to original on fewer wurdz

dukkha … duhkha (!?)

nibbana … nirvana (!?)

no one is / as any thought – or anything – arises, ask to whom it arises, and then ask: Who am I? (!*)

TK (!acro)
