
see nothing – a Substack post

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posts on fewer wurdz may be about anything, in the fewest possible words

posts – and copies on fw – use links as noted below as well as like this

comments on posts are not appended to copies, but further notes are


the above and some notes below are from the fewer wurdz about page / this line is not on that page

on fewer wurdz,
• an asterisk may link to anything, usually to something pertinent
• a DuckDuckGo bang command (!?) links to a search for a phrase it follows
• a DuckDuckGo bang command (!g) searches a specific site – hover to see the site
• a faux bang command (!*) may search any site – hover to see what site

“the fewest possible words” / Ruskin (!?)

original posts on fewer wurdz have no later notes appended,
but copies on fw often do, so you may want to look at them

browse or search the archive of copies*

further notes / not appended to the about page on fewer wurdz

“wurdz” is a phonetic respelling*

the people subpage on fewer wurdz uses a borrowed phrase: awe-filled agnosticism / Rev. Marilyn Sewell (!?)

the people subpage on fewer wurdz no longer uses that borrowed phrase, but refers to working on nothing

☛creating and editing on Substack here or here is no longer feasible – last post there is here