Patrick Lawrence: Europe’s fate

Europe, the non-West, and a new world order

Patrick Lawrence:

At this point we have to realize, with no help whatsoever from our press and broadcasters because neither they nor the powers they serve can bear to face it, that a new world order is taking shape before our eyes.

I have long viewed parity between the West and non–West, as I put it in the columns, to be a 21st-century imperative. This is now becoming a reality we must face, whether we have assistance or no assistance in this from our press and our public institutions.*

Patrick Lawrence, formerly a longtime International Herald Tribune correspondent, is a well-informed independent reporter on world affairs.

2023-05-04 / notes

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the screenshot in the post links to the original tweet, the asterisk to the tweeted item

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Chomsky on signs of hope

David Barsamian interviews Noam Chomsky (2023-03-22)

video based on a book from 1988 and narrated by Democracy Now host Amy Goodman:

from an interview on March 22, 2023 …

Barsamian: The lunatics seemingly control the asylum. What signs of sanity are out there to counter the lunatics?

Chomsky: Plenty. There’s lots of popular activism. It’s in the streets. Young people calling for the decent treatment of others. A lot of it is very solid and serious. Extinction Rebellion, the Sunrise Movement. Let’s save the planet from destruction. There are lots of voices. Yours, Democracy Now, Chris Hedges, lots of sites, Alternet, Common Dreams, Truthout, The Intercept, TomDispatch, many others. All of these are efforts to create an alternative world in which human beings can survive. Those are the signs of hope for the world.*

2023-04-08 / notes

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every species is a different answer

how to survive on planet Earth is the question

tweeted article has been archived*

2023-03-22 / notes

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nothing is other than the interdependent web of all existence, no one is

no being – in any form – is other than this being

no species – looking at you, Homo sapiens – is somehow
“separate from the rest of the living community” / Daniel Quinn (!?)

seven principles redux

a dharma-inspired reworking of UU principles

☛ love in what follows has the sense of metta, as in metta, karuna, mudita, upekkha (!?)*

let’s all agree to affirm and promote:

  • the inherent worth and dignity of everyone

  • justice, equity, and compassion in human relations

  • love for one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations

  • a free and responsible search for truth and meaning

  • the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large

  • the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all

  • love for the interdependent web of all existence that includes everyone

2023-03-18 / notes

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this is a reworked version – in fewer words – of the seven principles archived here

love, compassion, joy, and equanimity / the four immeasurables (!?)

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nothing is other than the interdependent web of all existence, no one is

no being – in any form – is other than this being

no species – looking at you, Homo sapiens – is somehow
“separate from the rest of the living community” / Daniel Quinn (!?)

the cusp of a moment

discerning what it means to be UU

Values and Inspirations proposed to supersede Principles and Sources (UUA)*

gallery of screenshots: some slides Bek Wheeler included in her presentation

2023-03-15 / notes

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