where is everybody?

where is everybody?

a reasonable question from Enrico Fermi

a reasonable answer is disturbing

being intelligent as humans self-destructs

anthropogenic mass extinction takes us down

time to wake up, think different

2022-03-28 / notes

see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

Where is everybody? / Enrico Fermi (!?)

wake up / Caitlin Johnstone (!?)

think different (!?)

further notes not appended to original on fewer wurdz

image from another site* / see also for matters related

“anthropogenic mass extinction” (!?)


sadder than watching the world die

sadder than watching the world die:

carrying on business as usual

2022-03-24 / notes

see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

sadder than watching the world die / Caitlin Johnstone (!?)

carrying on business as usual (!?)

further notes not appended to original on fewer wurdz

image credit: History in HD*


free to do anything, people do nothing

not true, but widely believed

let’s all get beyond this belief

2022-03-23 / notes

see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

“It's bullshit, but it's a belief.” / Scott Santens (!?)

“And we have to get beyond it.” / Scott Santens (!g)

further notes / not appended to original post on fewer wurdz


there is only this: the present

there is only this: the present

past and future are present – as stories

the whole is all that is – the present – stories included

nothing exists apart from the whole

nothing doesn’t change, and nothing depends on nothing

nothing is other than the whole

no one is

2022-03-20 / notes

see the about page for how posts – and copies on fw – use links

a challenge led to the title of this post and to fewer wurdz

the challenge: write a statement of faith in six words (!g)

further notes / not appended to the original post on fewer wurdz

nothing is other than the whole (!*)